Get this if you’re concerned about your weight and want to slim down a bit more… In just 13 days, an overweight woman with pre-diabetes lost an incredible 22 pounds. She shed a total of 37 pounds in the first month without starving herself!
She lost 84 pounds (nearly a pound a day) and removed all traces of diabetes or other life-ending conditions, even though she didn’t do any physical activity. Then there’s the incredible part… This “carb pairing” method reconditions your three female weight-loss hormones to substantially increase fat-burning while still allowing you to eat the foods you enjoy.
Odd Carb Trick Burns Up To 1LB Per DAY
Assuming you’re like the vast majority of people… To lose weight, you must restrict your calorie intake and pound the treadmill, and… Nothing… A woman with pre-diabetes felt that way, too.
There wasn’t a sliver of space between her and victory. This “carb trick” worked for her and she lost an incredible 22 pounds in just 13 days… And she achieved it all without depriving herself or engaging in any physical activity at all!
Now consider this… Using the same carb technique, she lost 37 pounds in just one month!… Her doctor was amazed to see that she had totally reversed any pre-diabetic symptoms.
D.I.Y. 10-Second Carb Ritual Strips Away Fat
The result was a weight loss of 19 pounds for my cousin Sara, 43, last month. I’m sure she’s tried it all, from calorie counting to “points” tracking to gym memberships to diet medications, but every time she loses 10 pounds, she gains 12 back. But when I saw her this weekend, I was astonished. She lost twice as much weight in the second month as she had lost in the first!
This morning’s “Flavor-Pairing” method is all she has to thank. It’s odd that it only works for women because it retrains the three female fat-loss hormones to exclude the potential of accumulating fat. Another perk of this weight loss double strategy is that it makes use of your craving for carbs in order to trigger the quick release of fat from your hips, legs, and stomach.
HARVARD MEDICAL: “Weight-Loss Doubling” Trick for Women
For 5 weeks in a row, Kelli lost 6 pounds a week by using this one-step method before she went to bed. Carly lost 84 pounds doing it before breakfast, and you might, too. Do it at least once a day for 10 seconds if you want to lose two dress sizes in the next 12 days… If you’re a woman above the age of 20 and have at least 15 pounds to lose, you can use this method.
21,748 Women, 374,701lbs lost THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!
As I’m sure you’re aware, nearly all diet and exercise regimens are ineffective. According to Stanford Medical Center, nearly all of the women who try to lose weight fail. However, what about the other 2%? That 2% of fast, reliable, and safe remedies work for every single woman who tries it. One thing they all have in common is called “Flavor-Pairing,” it turns out.
Actually, 21,748 “Flavor-Pairing” success stories have been recorded since August of last year.
For ages, we’ve been looking in the wrong places for this Female-Only rite. It’s been hiding in plain sight for centuries.
One woman only discovered the secret that saved her life and altered her body in record time after she nearly died of starvation.
Flavor-Pairing her favorite foods instead of dieting, monitoring calories, using pills, and performing cardio helped her lose 84 pounds in just six months! Do you find it difficult to shed pounds? Want to join the 2% Club so that you can finally reduce the weight for good?